
演出 | 被上苍流放的灵魂

Sat, 01 Dec 2018 20:30:00 GMT+08 ~ Sat, 01 Dec 2018 22:30:00 GMT+08
Camera Stylo


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    演出 | 被上苍流放的灵魂

    Music with Video Live Show



    放映 + 现场配乐

    Live music of Wang Xiao's Independent Film The Soul Banished From Heaven

    12月1日 星期六 晚8点30

    01/12 Saturday 8.30pm-10.15pm

    活动地址/Address:东四十一条64号Camera Stylo

    No.64 Dong Si Shi Yi Tiao Dongcheng District


    Pre-sale 80RMB,At Door 100RMB

    关于艺术家 About Artists


    王啸 Xiao Wang






    Born in Karamay, Xinjiang, Xiao Wang spent some years in Lhasa, Tibet; and now He has settled in Dali,Yunnan. His parents are Petroleum Geology explorationists, so he spent most of his early years in Gobi desert with his parents. He has been enjoying a life of solitude because of his growing environment. These are the words he writes on his resume: "Good music rarely comes out from lively places." These years, he has been walking in the Alpine Canyon and jungle forests of southwestern China, trying to look for mysterious and ancient rules of sound and wandering from place to place with desolate mind.His music reflects a subversive attitude towards life and death. His philosophical attitude of living, the courageous way of behaving and the migration experiences are the reasons why people listen to his music. He still remains himself even after suffering countless hardships in life.

    He released an album in 2007 called "The Son of Black Horse River" and has participated in the European Medlawave International Film Festival multiple times between 2011-2015. Also he released a music album called “A Musical Odyssey through China” in Europe.



    2008-2012 合法武装乐队键盘手

    2013-2016 仙境之桥乐队键盘手

    2017-至今 音乐制作人 编曲人

    2018-至今 新疆七条河音乐影视有限公司 音乐制作人 

    腾讯综艺《我爱二次元》等综艺节目音乐总监 编曲


    腾讯QGC《王者荣耀 长城守卫军》主题曲制作人


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